Podcast: Nature, Health and Equity: Exploring the links
Public health scientist Tara Zupancic outlines the many health benefits green spaces and nature provide to human health. Tara also calls on urban foresters and horticulture professionals to view themselves as health workers. Listen here.
Voices of Our Region: The Loud, The Unheard and Everyone in Between! THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY. Toronto, Canada.
Tara Zupancic kicked off the day with a keynote address on what equity really means when we think about access to nature and green spaces in cities, and how to overcome our own blind spots as we work to support the well-being children and youth in our communities.
The Nature of our Cities: Equity, Green Spaces & Community. THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY FORUM: MY NICHE IN THE COMMUNITY January 19, 2018. Albion Hills, Ontario.
Tara Zupancic was honoured to deliver a keynote on what equity really means when we plan our communities and why greenspaces are an essential and critical part of community health.
EcoHealth and Climate Change Panel - 2017 ONTARIO CLIMATE SYMPOSIUM,
May 11-12, York University, Toronto.
Joining a panel to explore the human health impacts of climate change, Tara Zupancic will examine the role of green space to combat heat and air pollution and the need for equitable green space provision for disadvantaged or historically under-served neighbourhoods.
May 10, 2017, 61 Charles Street, Oshawa.
Exploring the links between urban nature and mental health, Tara Zupancic will examine the impact of nature and the built environment on the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable community members and discuss how health professionals and planners can advocate to local governments to support health equity.
The Nature of our Cities: THE EUROPEAN FORUM ON URBAN FORESTRY, May 31 – June 4, 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Tara Zupancic is honoured to deliver a keynote address for this one-week meeting among EU cities working on collective projects. She will discuss the health benefits of urban forests and strategies for intersectoral collaboration. Key findings from the recent David Suzuki Foundation Report on the health benefits of urban forests will be highlighted.
EcoHealth – Understanding ‘Human Ecology’ LATORNELL CONSERVATION SYMPOSIUM,
November 18, 2015, Alliston, Ontario.
“Humans are fundamentally dependant on ecosystems for survival, yet our awareness and understanding of this crucial connection is fragmented. Current and future challenges due to the decline of rural and urban ecosystems require proactive leadership and engagement from across the spectrum of Ontario stakeholders. This first session looks at new research that clearly connects degrading environmental conditions to human health”. Tara Zupancic will discuss research findings of how urban green space affects heat, air quality and the wellbeing of disadvantaged communities.
Realizing The Health Benefits of Green Spaces in a Changing World, March 24, 2015, Allstream Centre, Toronto.
A collaboration of EcoHealth Ontario and the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation.
Tara Zupancic presents recent work on the role of urban greening in cooling cities, reducing air pollution and supporting health equity.
Workshop discussions will explore creative policies, programs, and outreach approaches that could be used to enhance human health through increased quality and diversity of urban and rural green spaces. Register here
Can Green Space Support Cooler Cleaner, More Equitable Urban Communities? A Report of the David Suzuki Foundation, Feb 12th
presented by Tara Zupancic
Public seminar hosted by the School of the Environment, University of Toronto
Thursday, February 12, 2015 4pm – 6pm
Rm. UC 179, University College, 15 King’s College Circle
The Health and Wellbeing Benefits of Urban Green Space
presented by Tara Zupancic
study commissioned by Toronto Public Health
November 18th, 2014, 2pm
Nottawasaga Inn and Convention Centre
Alliston, Ontario